Saturday, January 16, 2010

nO loNger tiRed of wAitinG~2pm

i wAs so sAd whEn i heard d nEws dat 2pm is no lOngEr prOmotiNg tHeir 1:59pm alBum nmOre, meAns nO moRe tiRed of wAitinG pErf!!!! oH no!!!! tHey juSt peRf tiRed of wAitiNg fOr leSs tHan 1 mOnth!! d sOng is sUperb,... bUT wHy???????????

aNd d rEasOn is??????? tHeY aRe focUsing wiTh tHeir nEw alBum dAt will bE relEased thiS apRil... cAn't wait!!! gYa!! ~ ♥ ~
bUT tHen i heArd soMe sOme ruMors bOut d 1:59pm alBum is aCtually beinG wRote fOr d wHole grOUps, meAning all 7 is included!! of cOUrse d leAder-shii is incLuded!!! huhu.. missed him so mUch wHen he lEft T___T
wAT i reAlly like bOut thEse gUys is tHey r fuNny n noTty atTitude in iDol wOrld.. esPecially SHINee as thEir partneRs.. nge~~ nickhun♥minho~~ GYA~~~~~~~~~ reAlly loVes tHem boTh.. hahahaha...
but tHen, referIng to tHe sTatement aBove, hurm... can i cOmment a bIt?? thIs alBum wAs bEing reCorded before d incident.. u Noe wat i meAn, rite??  yes...mAybe sOme of d sOnG haVe d leAder-shii vOice, bUt aFter hE leFt. wAt eLse cAn jYpE do exCept for reCord it bAck w/o his vOice??
yes.. yes.. i shOUldn't taLk too muCh, bUt taNx to aLL of thEir harDwork, thEy deServe d aWard, with 7 or 6 ppl, its all bCoz of thEir hardwork... *clap2

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