what should we called it??no wOrds cOmin ouT fRom hER mouTh... aftEr liKE hurm.. hAlf an Hour diScussion, wE finAlly mAke a dEcisiOn to caLL it KimmiEy (F1 dRiver kiMi rAikonen) ^^V
bUT thEn, aFter tWo wEekS wiTh kiMmiEy, i tHink hiS hEart bReak cUz laTely i aLWaYs dRoppEd my pHone, mEaning dRopping him oso... *gomenasai T_T
sO hE deCided to lEave mE onE dAy... i JUst reAlizEd hE waS GoNe miSsing whEN i tOok oUt mY pHone fRom my pocKet n i fEel liKe tHEre's suMthiN' miSsing.... it tOoked me bOut 5 seCs to rEalize dAt he wAs goNe.... gyA!!!! T_____________________________T
why kiMmiey?? wHY??? whEre aRE yOU???
hE's bLind, bOrn w/o eYEs.. so its kinDa difficUlt foR him to wAlk aRound... huhu... he's juST 2inch tAll, bEen miSsing foR d pAst tWo moNths... huhu... if sUm1 fOund him, cAn u pLiz gimme a bUzz??? reAlly misSed pLayinG wiF him... T_______T
kiMmiey.... miAnhae.... i lOve u so mUch... pLiz cOme bAck... T____________T
u want me to find u the exact miniature?