hurm... 你们还记得吗? i tOld u gUys im gOnna bE deAd on dAt tiMe?? wEll, its nOt aCt di 'DIE' in d tErms of 'DYING', iTs juST diE bCoz of eXhAustiNg... nge~~~ =)
wEll, we eXpeCt tEnse n dIz n dAt.... bla... bla... we'D eVen hAve OT on sAt T_T.......huhu... bUT thEn, d -Ve tHings dAt wE eXpeCt bComes +ve oN dAT dAy ^^v ~~~~
d biGGeSt wOrRies is wHen hAndLing d dUmpLing maChine!!!! uRgh!!!!! u nOe wAt?? bCoz of diZ sTupid teSt rUN wE aLl hAve to b tHere at 7am in d mOrn!!!!! n d dUmpLing machiNe suDdenlY hAving bAd mOod bCoz bEing aWaken eArly in d mOrn =.=! iTs nOt bOut d macHine sEt up, bUt tHen d filLing iS tOo... hUrm.. hOw ot sAY thiS... hUrm.. iTs nOt viscous eNough... u gET wAt i mEan, rite?? sO d mAchinEs haVe leAking heRe n thEre maKing oUr heAd miserable!!!!!! n mR.rHEon (not actual name.. we just dOnt kNow hOw to pRonOunce his naMe...) hAvEn't reAch tHere... n iT wAS 9am already!!!! gya!!! im gOIn crAzee!!!!!!!!
d bOss aSked us to sTop fOr a wHile n eAt bfAst oUtsiDe... bUT hOw cAN u eAT cAlmly whEn ur maChine stiLl haVen't dOing prOperly??? so we alL rusHed eatinG naSi lEmak n baCk to wOrk,... iT wAs 9.30am tHAt tiMe... n fiNally mR.rhEon cAme.... waT a reLiEf!!!!!1 fUh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
whEn hE sEes hEr (d dUmpLing machine), hE iMmidiAtely kNew wHere's d pRob... wE all qUicklY fOlloWs hiS orDers aNd fiNaLly gETS her baCk inTo her actuAl mOod... =) tAnx to mR.rHeon, eVrytHing wAs fiXed... ^^v *thUmbs up
we'Re sUpposE to fiNish d tEst rUN at 3.30pm, bUT thEN i tHink d eXmiNers weRe satisfY anD kiNda bOring To waTch aLl of d sTuffs anD wAntEd to go bAck... haha... tHey leFt at 2.30pm... an hOur eArliEr tHan d eXpected tiMe... yes!!!!!! hahahahahaha (evil laugh)
i wAs hOpiNg to gO baCk eArlier tHan uSual timE (whIch is 6.30pm), unfOrtuNately i rEacH hOme at 7pm, almOst 12 hOurs wOrKing... haIZ...
bUT tHEn wAt mAkes me sMile is dAt d bOss aRe very satisfy wiF oUr cOoperaTion n oUr gOod-hArd-wOrk aNd gIve us oNe dAy oFf!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahha..... yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______________________^
tAnx u gUys fOr d bIg dAY ^^
tAnx d bOss tOo ^^
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