laSt laSt suNday mY mum aSked me to baKed sOme muFfins to giVe to my sis @ sWk... so i caLled up ma elDer sis dAt uSuallY maDe these baking stuffs n seLl it to ppl on9... try check her blog..
well, thEn i adD thoSe stuffs on tHe miXing bOwl.... bla... bla....and thEn put it inTo the oVen!!! hehe... d miXing paRt tOok me arounD leSs thAn 10 mins, bUT thEn, it toOk me aGEs to waiT fOr thE muFfins to cOOk!!
~waiTing fOr 'em to cOok... huhu...~
~d oNEs dAt are reAdy to eAt!!~
im nOt sUre hOw it tasTed, bUt its nOt d sAme tastE wHEn my sis cooked it.. huhu... i gaVe sOme to him, he aTE sum, anD gAve d rEst to his fAmily... his nainai said its dElicious, and he agRees wif dAt, bUt i'd reAlly feEls dAt its not delicious enOugh... hurmm... oettoke??
i gUess i haVe to tRy n do it aGain... bUt other flavor i tHink.. huhu... dpEnds on him, wAT flavor he wants bCoz maYbe im gOnna bAke agAin fOr him tiLl im satisfy... hahaha
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