18th Jan... yeps.. its tOmorOw.... d laSt dAy im gOnna be hEre on eaRth... wiLl nOt be aRound aFter dAt... to bE spEcific, itS on 6pm in d eVe... (cAn i act say dat?? hahahahahaha) huhu... bUt then aFter 2 wiKs of harDShip, d dAy fiNallY cOmes.. and iTs on mOndAy.. *sigh.........
huhu... aCt itS oNe of d biGesT daY of d cOmpanY wEr we hAve teSt rUn fOr all mAchiNes in d fActoRy... its liKe oUr fiNale eXam, jUSt w/o pApers n stuffs u uSed to see in eXams... bUt we suRe do haVe d eXaminers... 10 ppl to be eXact..
rUnniNg tHose maChines... walawei... u nOe wAt?? we hAve aRound 16 mAchiNEs all tOgether!!!!! aNd aLl oF tHem mUst be oPerAte prOperly tOmorOW!!!!!!!! gOsh~~~ it wOuLd be sO tiRing.... sAw mY fWens all gEttin tiRed wOrking oVer tiME diZ wik.. bUt thEY didNt giVe up at aLl... *clap2...
lETs juST pRay dAt eVrythiN wiLl be jUst fiNe tOmolO... hOpefully nO macHine breAks dOwn or aNything gOes wRong... if tHis tHing wORks, oUr maChine sUperviSor wiLl tReAt us aLl eVrywHere n aNything we wAnt.. hahaha =]
miEmiE, gAmbate ne???
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