it started with an assignment....
haru haru....
i've been waiting for this since the day he told me he's gonna do this..
haru haru....
i've been waiting for this since the day he told me he's gonna do this..
especially when the theme is bout KOREAn..
lets take a peek of sOme of hiS cReative aRtwOrk, k?
on the right is the cover page ^^
one of ma fAv boy band, 2PM is in it ^^
i lurve when ppl post 2PM as 7,
not 6..
for me leader-shii is still in there... sumwhere... =p
this is bout bEaSt
we lurve SHOCK!!!
i wonder when he will finish learning to dance dat song,.
i luRve d crEative fan aRts~
it shOws hOw muCh theY lOve n crAzy bOut thiEr fAv artise ^^
and hOw tAlented thEy are...
dOe sOme of em isn't perfect,
but we all congraTes thEm for thiEr hArd work ^^
tHis is d mAn behiNd thE crEatiVe wOrk,
mr. Aidil Afrizal,
the future desinger..
don't bash me for puTtin diZ pix, dil
i dOnt have anY iDeas on whicH pix shOuld i put..
tanx to him,
i feel very touched when he did bout 2PM
<3 saranghae aidil <3
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