jUst nOw i wEnt thRough somE of ma fAv tvXq fAn bLog, aNd i fOUnd this -> TVXQ magnae, CHOIKANG CHANGMIN is getTing sKinniEr & pAler!!! thEy also saiD that he's a biT streSsed up lately wiTh his tHight schEdule, eSpecially wHen reCently thEy jusT started to film 'Paradise Ranch'. soMe of thE fanS captUred his pAle-lookin fAce & spreaD it in tHE net.. and yes, hE did looKed sooo sKinny and a bit paLe... moST OF The FAnS leAve thEir coMMents sAying 'you should eat more', 'come to my house and i'll cook you anything you want', etc.....
cAn i cRy??? poor minne oppa... T_______________T..... i knOw why he's been skinnY lidiz... its simplY bcoz he;s been awaY wif hiS oMMa (jAejungie) fOr so loNg, siNce thE SM inciDent, tHe triOs (jAecHunSu) wAs bUsy wiF tHieR oWn liFe aNd miNnie is liVing wif his aPpa (u-kNow yUnho)... boTh of 'em weRen't a gOod cOok, unlike jaejungie, so i'd guess all thEy ate was just instant rAmen which is nOt healtHY at alL... T______T.... minNie, i hOpe dAt u'll be oKi sOon... juSt enjOy makiN ur dRama and sTay heAlthy, oki??? saranghAe oppA ~ ♥
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