n wHen i wAtched d mV, it reALly tOucHes ma heaRt...
wa... i tHink it wAs his fAult dAT he diDn;t hAve d couRage to tEll her hOw he reaLLy felT... whEn he fiNally have d cOurage to cOnfeSs,,, it waS a biT tOo latE T________T... poOR tAeyAng... d mV remiNds me oF one of d TVXQ mV, doushitte kimi wo suki ni natte shimattandarou? (y did i fell in loVe wif u??) iTs juSt so... sad... wa~~~ T______T.. .. i kNow how it feels wHen we r a biT tOo lAte.. * sigh....
i kNow this is oNe of thE old song (not dat old, exactly), but thEn i reAlly loVes d lyRics and d choreography of this soNg, espEcially at D enD... gYa!!! mY heart meLt everYtime i hEar jUnsu's vOIce in tHis sOng... btw tHis sOng is been inSerted alOng 2pM new album, 1:59, bUt thEn it wAs d acoustic vErsion of d sOng... lets tAke a peEk of d acouStic versIOn of oNlY yOu by 2pM~~
thEY did perForm dIz versIOn at Kim Jung Eun ChocolatE (KJE Chocolate), where u cAN find d viDs in YT...all i cAn pRoVide u gUys is tHe mp3 of D sOng.. hehe.. hOpe u gUys eNjOy d sOng ^^
haha... i finally found the mp3 of the sorry sorry answer song... nge~~~ clap2....
will try to upload the mV a.s.a.p when i get better connection ^^v
jUst nOw i wEnt thRough somE of ma fAv tvXq fAn bLog, aNd i fOUnd this -> TVXQ magnae, CHOIKANG CHANGMIN is getTing sKinniEr & pAler!!! thEy also saiD that he's a biT streSsed up lately wiTh his tHight schEdule, eSpecially wHen reCently thEy jusT started to film 'Paradise Ranch'. soMe of thE fanS captUred his pAle-lookin fAce & spreaD it in tHE net.. and yes, hE did looKed sooo sKinny and a bit paLe... moST OF The FAnS leAve thEir coMMents sAying 'you should eat more', 'come to my house and i'll cook you anything you want', etc.....
cAn i cRy??? poor minne oppa... T_______________T..... i knOw why he's been skinnY lidiz... its simplY bcoz he;s been awaY wif hiS oMMa (jAejungie) fOr so loNg, siNce thE SM inciDent, tHe triOs (jAecHunSu) wAs bUsy wiF tHieR oWn liFe aNd miNnie is liVing wif his aPpa (u-kNow yUnho)... boTh of 'em weRen't a gOod cOok, unlike jaejungie, so i'd guess all thEy ate was just instant rAmen which is nOt healtHY at alL... T______T.... minNie, i hOpe dAt u'll be oKi sOon... juSt enjOy makiN ur dRama and sTay heAlthy, oki??? saranghAe oppA ~ ♥
in addition, i'd bring aLong oNe of oUr eX scHoolmate, nabiLa (a.k.a dOraemOn =p) tO aVoid me fRom bEing bUlliEd by hiM~~ =p
nabila kHusyuk dGr cOKi bebEl x henTi............ =,=!
hihihihi... sUm1 did prOmised me tHat he wiLl not touChes anY of tHese friEs and sundaE agaIn, n todAY was d Last friEs.. can i believe hiM??? huRm... we'll see bOUt dat.....
huhu... manGkok mne la yG abEskn frIes nieeee =p
haha... dOe i'd wiSh dAt perSon cOuld jOIn us to mAke liFe mOre hAppenig, bUT thEn i'M gEtting uSed fOr dAt pErson nOt to bE arOUnd bY my siDe fOr thEse feW weEks...
Ilnyeonirado nan gidarilgeoya
Shib nyeonirado nan gidarilgeoya
Oh, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan gidaridaga
Nan jichyeodo joha
Neoreul gidarida jichyeo michigo
Tto haru haru maeil gati ilnyeoni gatgo
Oh, nan, na, na, na gidaridaga
Neol gidaridaga, yeah
Geum bangirado niga dashi olgeotman gatgo
Dwidora seomyeon dashi neoreul bol geotman gata
Oh, nan, na, na, na jichyeo michigo
Nan jichyeo michigo, yeah
Getting tired while waiting… (U know?)
Gotten tired while waiting and~
U Know, do you know how I feel?
Gotten tired while waiting~
Do you still remember me? (Oh~ no)
Even if a day goes by, I’ll still remember you
Even if a month goes by, I still won’t let you go
Can you understand my desires for you? (oh~no)
Going insane while waiting
and each day feels like a year.
Oh~ I, I I I~ was waiting and while I was waiting,( yeah~)
It felt as if you would come back
or if I look back I would see your face
Oh~ I I I I~ am going insane, going insane (yeah~)
I am holding back just in case you come back, (oh yeah~ )
I am still waiting (oh yea~)
Even if a month goes by, I’ll still remember you.
Even if a year goes by, I still won’t let you go
Can you understand my desires for you? (oh~no)
Going insane while waiting
and each day feels like a year.
Oh~ I, I I I~ was waiting and while I was waiting
It felt as if you would come back
or if I look back I would see your face
Oh~ I I I I~ am going insane, going insane (yeah~)
Why is it so hard
and everything’s so complicated in my head.
I was waiting and waiting
and yet no answers from you
I didn’t cry because of you
and you didn’t leave because of me
So why is it so hard, why is it so hard?
I will wait for a year
or even a decade if I have to.
Oh~ I I I I I I I I will wait and it’s fine if tire myself out.
Going insane while waiting
and each day feels like a year.
Oh~ I, I I I~ was waiting and while I was waiting
It felt as if you would come back
or if I look back I would see your face
Oh~ I I I I~ am going insane, going insane (yeah~)
it's dedicated for sum1 i know...yes, im tired of waiting... gya!!! im goin crazy!! wish that i can stop waiting :(
few ppl din't noticed that sUper jUnior released new single, its a synchronization of the song 'sOrry sOrry' which was a hiT song in 2009!! well, this new song kinda like an acoustic of 'sOrry sOrry', bUt d powErful vOice of the K.R.Y melted mY heaRT!! gya!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
i do have the HQ of the mV, but then the mV is toO big for me to uplOad wif my sNail connectiOn, still searching for d mp3 of the song, so wait ya!! gomensanai ^^
i'll just give u d liNk of the mV in the YT, can ar?? if u have reAl pLayer, u can just directlY dload this mV, if nOt, u can alWays usE the YT dload helper softWare whiCh u can find it in d nEt where i fiNd it vEry helPful ^^
ya... ya... few people asked for this song~ and i just got time to upload it using my 4shared account, so i just gonna give u guys the link to download this song..
this is just temp template b4 i started diz blog, hopefully i can finish doing this b4 new year!!
gya!!!! sum1 help me!! im goin crazy wif this thing!! will try to upload sumthing when my connection is much faster... sowiee ya!!!